terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

My dreams for the future

I dream of graduating in medicine ...

go to the river of January ...
marry and have children.

Things I do

Currently I'm studying a lot.
Also I'm going through a lot of time at home with my family.
Sometimes on weekends my family and I left for travel.

Things I did

I already traveled to several different places with my brother and my family. Ja went to the beach with my friends. Ja went to the park Beto Carreiro World. And I also did many other cool stuff.

Likes and Dislikes


1. Food: pizza, lasagna, pancakes, stroganoff, chocolate.

2. Movie: Mary and I, New Moon, 2012.

3. Singers: Ivete Sangalo, Pitty, The boys, Vitor e Leo

4. Music: mpb, swing, gaucho.

5. Free time: I like watching movies, eating chocolate, popcorn.

7. Books: Mary and me.


1. Fake people. I really hate them, and I ask God every night that type of person may be a better day.

2. People lying

3. onion

Who am I?

Name: Viviane Santos da Silva
:17 years old
Marital Status
: Single
: Student
: Leonice
: Elizeu
Brother: Tiago
Live in:Joinville/ S.C.